3rd Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform meeting was realized on August 29, 2013, Yıldız 1, ICC within the context of FDI 101th Annual World Dental Congress which was held between the dates of 28-31 August 2013.
Thirteen countries attended to the Platform meeting consisting of Dr. Dorjan Hysi, President of Albanian Dental Association; Prof. Dr. Medi GANIBEGOVIC, President of Dental Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Dr. Borislav Milanov, President of the Bulgarian Dental Association (BgDA); Prof. Dr. Vladimer MARGVELASHVILI, Secretary General of Georgian Dental Association; Dr. Ibrahim Ghannam, President of the Palestinian Dental Association (PDA); Dr. Gholamreza Ghaznavi, President of the Dental Association of Iran; Hüseyin BIÇAK, President of the Turkish Dental Association of Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus (TRNC); Dr. Abibilla KALBAEV, President of the Stomatological Association of the Kyrgyz Republic; Dr. Ilshat Yuldashev, President of External Relations of the Stomatological Association of the Kyrgyz Republic and Talant ABDYLDAEV Member of Stomatological Association of the Kyrgyz Republic; Dr. Ali Gashi, President of the Dental Association of Republic of Kosovo (DARK); Prof. Dr. Rakhmatulla NIGMATOV, President of Uzbekistan Dental Association; Dr. Ibrahim Yousef AL-Tarawneh, President of the Jordan Dental Association; Dr. Khaled TANAZEFTI, President of Tunisian Dental Association and Dr. Mohammed Salem Bin HAFEEDH, President of the Yemen Dental Association as well as the President of Turkish Dental Association Prof. Dr.Taner YÜCEL, TDA Board members Dr. Serdar AK, Dr.Faik Serhat ÖZSOY, Mustafa ORAL, Tuncay SEVEN and Ümüt YURDAKUL; and TDA External Relations Commission members Prof. Dr. Nermin YAMALIK, Dr. Duygu İLHAN, Doç. Dr. Hande SAR SANCAKLI and Dr. Uğur ERGİN also participated in the first platform meeting. Prof. Dr. Tarek ABBAS, the Platform President and also the President of Egyptian Dental Association, couldn’t attend to the meeting platform this year due to the current situation in his country, Egypt and Prof. Dr. Taner YÜCEL tendered his apologies.
In the meeting the problems and the solutions of the neighbouring countries in dental fields were discussed and each country red its own national report consisting of changes in the association and its organization, trends and developments in professional, health, educational and politics and also in the insurance system. As well as the potential opportunities and the potential dangers in dental field in the countries, The Preventive Dentistry Forum and the Future Platform Collaboration strategies were also the main subjects of the meeting.
Forum on “Preventive Dentistry”
Forum on “Preventive Dentistry” with the subject of “A Regional Perspective to the Problems and Solutions of Neighbouring Countries” was realized between 09:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 29th, 2013 in the concept of FDI 101st Annual World Dental Congress. The followings are the speakers of the Forum:
• Albania - Dr. Dorjan Hysi
• Azerbaijan - Rena Aliyeva
• Bosnia and Herzegovina - Prof. Maida Ganibegovic
• Bulgaria - Nikolai Sharkov
• Georgia - Prof. Vladimer Margvelashvili
• Kyrgyzsthan - Ilshat Yuldashev
• Lebanon - Elie Azar Elmaalouf
Platform will continue to merge together and work to revive and solve the Neighbouring Countries problems in the home ownership of Turkish Dental Association next year and the following years.
The national reports of the countries are as follows:
Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform
Member Country National Reports
Country: Albania
Association: Albanian Dental Association
Year: 2013
I. Changes in the association and its organization.
II. Trends and developments:
• in health politics; None
• in educational politics; The University of Medical Science was founded as an independent entity from the University of Tirana. Also the Department of Dentistry now is the Faculty of Dental Medicine.
• in the insurance system; There is no insurance scheme in the private or public dental care in Albania.
III. Further information. (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
• Could you summarize the dental field developments have occurred in your country since the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Collaboration Platform meeting?
There was not any development in dentistry except the structural change on the Medical University described above.
• In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
1.The budget cuts due to economic crises
2.Poor workforce planning
3.The increased number of Dental Faculties (mainly private)
4.The increased number of student acceptance to the Dental faculties.
5.Quality assurance of these dental education institutions
6.Poor distribution of the dental service in the country
• In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
1.Recent political changes
2.Increased patient requirement
3.Continuing education development
Country: Azerbaijan
Association: Azerbaijan Stomatological Association
Year: 2013
I.Changes in the association and its organization.
There are some changes in the structure of management of Azerbaijan Stomatological Association.
II.Trends and developments:
•in professional politics; In professional politics thoughts didn't changed.
•in health politics; Public dental clinics were privatized. However, emergency service and some free dental services at departments of general dentistry in multidiscipline clinics are provided.
•in educational politics; Because of transition of the education system of Azerbaijan Republic into Bolony system, some changes were carried out on education policy completely, particularly at dentistry.
•in the insurance system; Depend of case and type of insurance, private insurance companies cover total or partly cost of dental service. Public health insurance covers only emergencies and spread only among public institutions.
III.Further information. (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
During this year Azerbaijan Stomatological Association carried out trainings among the dentists, symposiums and seminars in different departments of dentistry. Trainings were held both in capital city and regions of Azerbaijan Republic.
Authorities of Azerbaijan Stomatological Association took part at the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform in May 31- June 2, 2012 (Ankara, Turkey).
Azerbaijan Stomatological Association took part at 7th Azerbaijan International Stomatology Exhibition with own stand which was driven in Baku in September 27-29 2012.
Delegation of Azerbaijan Dental Association participated in meetings of General Assembly of FDI, which was held in August, 2012 in Hong Kong, China.
Delegation of Azerbaijan Dental Association participated in the meetings of working groups of ERO at plenary session of ERO-FDI in April 2013 in Potsdam, Germany.
During this year Azerbaijan Stomatological Association continued the publication of the periodical journal «Caucasian Dental News».
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Association: Dental Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Year: 2013
Dental Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo is founded 1997.
President of our Dental Association is Professor Maida Selimovic Ganibegovic, who introduced Presidency of Dental Association about Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform Member.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the process of transition, so in our country we have lots of problems, especially considering reorganisation and transition our health system from free to a system of payment for health services.
Also, potential dangers for dental field in Bosnia and Herzegovina are overproduction, at the expense of quality of dental staff, while the youngest doctors want to stay in major cities.
Country: Bosnia and Hercegovina
Association: Dental Chamber of Federation Bosnia and Hercegovina
Year: 2013
I.Changes in the association and its organization.
Harmonized with business law Dental Care, control of organized dental and labour offices and public and private offices in accordance with the powers that we have received from the state
II.Trends and developments:
•in professional politics; raising the level of continuing education
•in educational politics; revising curriculum of specialization, limit enrolment of new students
•in the insurance system ;tries to import the system but for the current crisis and the recession and political situation , and no money in the budget so that it does not hope to do this soon
III.Further information. (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
•In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
Overproduction of staff, varying enrolment at universities and the needs of the population and disorganized health
Country: Bulgaria
Association: Bulgarian Dental Association (BgDA)
Year: August 2013
I. Changes in the association and its organization.
No changes.
II. Trends and developments:
• in professional politics;
BgDA was created with a LAW FOR THE PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS OF THE PHYSICIANS AND PHYSICIANS IN DENTAL MEDICINE and as a regulated (sectorial) profession in European Union is autonomous NGO with a lot of important duties shift on BgDA from the state i. e. self-regulating body of all 8350 working dentists in Bulgaria. The membership in BgDA is mandatory.
• in health politics;
The president, the Secretary General and some Vice-Presidents of BgDA every week attend the sessions of the Commission of Health of the Parliament of Republic of Bulgaria and give their statements, opinions and proposals for all the drafts of the acts concerning medicine and dental medicine and also are very active in the discussions concerning the budget for health. BgDA has regular contacts with the Minister of Health and Deputy-Ministers of Health and its representatives are members of permanent and temporary commissions established with an ordinance of the Minister of health. BgDA has informal and formal contacts with MPs and health stakeholders as well.
• in educational politics;
Continuing Professional Development is a priority for BgDA and it is one of the main duties proceeded from the LAW FOR THE PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS OF THE PHYSICIANS AND PHYSICIANS IN DENTAL MEDICINE i. e. - lectures, symposia, scientific congresses (national and international etc.)
• in the insurance system
BgDA and National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) each year negotiate for the packages and number of dental services, prices of the dental treatments, rules and conditions for the dentist, which will sign the annual contract with the NHIF etc. If the negotiations are successful the both parties sign the Annual National Frame Contract for Dental Services assured by the public health insurance - NHIF.
III. Further information . (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
• Could you summarize the dental field developments have occurred in your country since the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Collaboration Platform meeting?
According to the Law and its Constitution BgDA entrusts to the Association functions, typical of the similar professional organisations in the democratic world:
To negotiate and contract with the National Health Insurance Fund.
To keep and update the register of the profession. Registering with the Association is a compulsory prerequisite for practising dental medicine in Bulgaria.
To enforce the ethic principles of the profession and penalize their infringement.
To inform and qualify its members.
To defend its members, etc.
• In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
Supernumerary number of dentists in Bulgaria - 8350 dentists per 7 400 000 population. Economic crises as well.
• In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
As it is written above BgDA is a self-regulatory body with a lot of opportunities.
Country: Palestine
Association: Palestinian Dental Association (PDA)
Year: 2013
I. Changes in the association and its organization.
Directly after attending the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations Platform Meeting; we organized a new elections in PDA in June, 2012. PDA has also three specialized societies in orthodontics, oral and Maxillofacial surgery, and dental implantology. New elections were performed in 2013, the general assembly of these societies adapted new bylaws and PDA council agreed to have these societies to work independently under the supervision of the PDA.
II.Trends and developments:
•in professional politics and in educational politics;
All Palestinian Dentists in west bank (population, 2.75 millions) were members of Jordanian Dental Association ( JDA ) under the name (JDA-Jerusalem center) established in 1952, where it was part of Jordanian Dental Association (JDA) , until the year 2000, so all the 500 dentist graduated before 2000 are members of JDA and after 2000 there are nearly more than 2000 dentists and are members of just PDA.
Besides the 1000 dentists in Gaza Strip where there is 1.75 million population, but for political and geographical reasons, where both West Bank and Gaza are not connected because of Israeli occupation, besides the fact that there is 2 different governments in both parts; Also we have 1200 Palestinian dentists inside Occupied Palestine ( population : 1.5 million Palestinians) where they are living under Israeli rules in what so called Israel state, and they can't be members in PDA by law, besides the Palestinian dentists all over the world where we have more than 5000 dentists living in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, chili ,USA, Brazil, Canada, Spain, Latin America , and other counties where we have more than 6 million Palestinian refugees.
Now, we have more than 200 new dentists every year, 80% of them graduated from 2 national dental schools: one governmental in Alquds University, and the other is a private one which is the AAUJ Arab American University of Jenin.
No post graduate dental schools or dental speciality residency programs are available in Palestine, but we have a plan to start with a residency program of oral and Maxillofacial surgery of a 5 year clinical attachment in one of the governmental hospitals in cooperation with the 2 universities next year, of the 2500 dentists in the West Bank we have just 120 specialists in all fields of dentistry especially in orthodontics and oral surgery ( 80 %), 60 of them are teaching in universities, besides having just 56 dentists working in the ministry of health as preventive dentists and in school Heath programs, we have more than 500 dentists with no work, the population in West Bank of Palestine is 2.75 Million served by nearly 2300 dentists, and more than 1000 dental clinics and centers. So we have nearly one dentist for 1200 citizen.
We have an internship program of one year where the freshly graduate dentists are distributed to have their training in the public and private sectors besides universities and some United Nations dental clinics, also they got there theoretical program in PDA and department of oral health in MOH continuous dental education programs.
•in health politics;
PDA has a major rule in the governmental Heath policy, besides its rule in defending the rights of the dentists working in the government, those dentists had a raise in their salaries last year of 200$, where the minimum salary of dentist becomes nearly a thousand dollars. PDA also have a great rule in licensing and relicensing of dentists and dental clinics by its contribution in the dentistry profession exams and the testing the eligibility of the dental clinics for dental practice.
Continuous dental education and learning programs, national and international dental congresses. Local and regional scientific days and training courses are among the developments achieved at the educational level.
Health policy is mainly controlled by the ministry of health; PDA is a major partner in dental health plans and policies, besides its role in the national health programs and the Palestine medical council since it's an active member in both.
•in the insurance system (incl. the public health insurance and private insurance schemes).
We have no dental insurance in MOH insurance system, it's just restricted to preventive dental programs for children under the age of 12, Including fissure sealants, conservative treatments of decays and stainless steel crowns, minor oral surgery, besides major oral and Maxillofacial surgery in governmental hospitals where we have 5 Maxillofacial surgeons .
There is some dental insurance programs in some of the big insurance companies covering the employees of the big companies like banks, 2 huge communication Companies, insurance companies, and other construction and real estate companies.
III. Further information . (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
•Could you summarize the dental field developments have occurred in your country since the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Collaboration Platform meeting?
Following our attendance of the second Neighbouring countries collaboration platform meeting, we started to apply the decentralization principle in associational work, since to have 10 governates not connected to each other separated by Israeli occupied lands, besides creating the continuous dental education and training system for both the freshly graduate dentists and for the general practitioners and specialists too, also we started to apply the continuous activity system where every member supposed to have certain credit hours in dental education, public services, social responsibility, and ant other activities that the society can have benefits from like treating free the prisoners released from Israeli Gail, training freshly graduated dentists, participating in volunteer works, etc , for their membership to be renewed.
•In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
Future Potential danger in the dental field in Palestine is caused by the high number of dentists graduated every year without control, since the Palestinian people under occupation loves to have their kids to have high level education especially in the medical field, besides that the state can't control this issue and the ministry of planning has no rule in this issue, because of their believes of the freedom of education principle.
•In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
Future Potential opportunities in the dental field in Palestine is that we have plenty of our colleagues having there Post Graduate studies in dentistry where they will come back to server their country, then we can have one or both of our dental schools to have a post grad programs for our dentist in town. Besides if the Palestinian issue is solved in the new negotiations started a month ago, and borders opened, then we will have too many Palestinians coming from outside, besides Arabs and foreigners to have their dental treatment in Palestine as what is seen in Turkey and Jordan, because dentistry in Palestine has a good reputation among neighbouring counties even Israeli people loves to have the Palestinian dental service. And if we will have some kind of independency and some security and economical improvements, then maybe we can start to have some research and industrial dental centers.
Country: CYPRUS
Association: Cyprus Dental Association
Year: 2013
I.Changes in the association and its organization.
In February 2013 elections were held and a new council was elected and undertook duties for a three year period.
II.Trends and developments:
•in professional politics;
Dental practices are obliged by law to have their radiographic and laser appliances tested .Also it is required to have a waste management protocol according to the National and European legislation.
•in health politics;
Due to the present economic crisis a lot of patients cannot afford for dental treatments and it is expected that the level of oral health would be reduced significantly. The Cyprus Dental Association in an effort to contribute free dental services to low income and unemployed people will open a free dental clinic
•in educational politics;
Due to the lack of a University providing dental education in Cyprus, the Council of the Cyprus Dental Association (D.C.C. of C.D.A) desires to maintain and extend the level of knowledge and skills of dentists in Cyprus, so it has been decided to implement the program of Continuing Professional Education of Dentists (C.P.E.D.). The program was implemented in early 2012 and will be mandatory for all dentists (private and public) to obtain the Certificate of Clinical Competence Act (C.C.C.A.).This is obtained by accumulating Molecules of Education (ME) which will be registered by the Commission of Continuing Professional Education C.D.A. The dentist has to attend authorized scientific events such as conferences, seminars, lectures, practical seminars, etc.
•in the insurance system
Although 83%of the population has free access to public oral healthcare, before
economic crisis only 10% were seeking dental care there .Today more than 30% visit public sector for their dental needs.
The services that are provided there include conservative and surgical treatments as well as removable dentures. Orthodontic treatment is also provided for children up to the age of 18 receiving welfare assistance from last year.
In the private sector patients pay directly. Where there is insurance company involvement the fees are agreed between the dentist and the company but only a very small proportion of the population is covered by private insurance companies.
The introduction of a General Health Insurance Scheme (GHIS) is scheduled for 2015. With the implementation of the General Health Insurance System (GHIS), the Ministry of Health has recommended the following adjustments related to Public dental services:
• Primary/preventive dental care up to the age of 16;
• Provision of dental services in Foundations (in mobile dental units)
• Public Dental Health;
• Dental Treatment for pupils aged 10 from private sector dentists - after the
student’s reference by dentists from the public sector;
• Dental Treatment for schools (in mobile dental units);
• Second degree dental care (Dental Surgery, Paedodontics, Periodontology)
for special groups;
• Third Degree dental care services (Removable prosthetics and
Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery - local and general anaesthesia) for special groups.
III.Further information . (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
•In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
Dental Tourism.
Well trained and experienced dental professionals with latest dental equipment in combination with Mediterranean climate, alluring beaches, historical sites could promote Cyprus as a dental tourism destination.
Dental Tourism would increase our income and contribute to the national economy during the present financial crisis.
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Association: Stomatological Association Of The Kyrgyz Republic (SAKR)
Year: 2013
I. Changes in the association and its organization.
There is no changing in National Association and it's organization.
II. Trends and developments:
• in professional politics; Increasing of dental specialty students in Universities and Medical faculties.
• in health politics; Effort of government to sell or turn to self-support of Dental clinics.
• in educational politics; Increasing of dental specialty students in Universities and Medical faculties.
• in the insurance system; Lack of financial support of Dental insurance.
III. Further information
• Could you summarize the dental field developments have occurred in your country since the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Collaboration Platform meeting?
Situationis mostly the same.
• In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
Total privazition of Public dental Clinics, low level of Dental insurance.
• In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
Increasing of the role of Dental (Stomatological) Association, support of low level population
Country: Republic of Kosovo
Association: Dental Association of Republic of Kosovo-DARK
Year: 2013
II.Trends and developments:
•in professional politics;
Health policies are set by the Ministry of Health and monitored by the same one as per private and public practice. Dental practices are obliged to be licensed with the regulations given by the Ministry of health. The regular check-ups about completing and keeping these standards are monitored by the Ministry of Health.
•in health politics;
The health politics in our country has a special group of patients to whom it offers free dental services in public health institutions. This group covers children until 16 years of age, to the people with chronic diseases, patients over the age of 60 years, former members of war and their family members.
•in educational politics;
In our country we have a well-established educational politics that are led by Rectorate of University of Prishtina “ Hasan Prishtina”,its part Faculty of Medicine, Dental school. Many congresses, professional lecturers, scientific meetings, conferences, trainings and courses are held in order to maintain quality, further develop and exchange knowledge’s with the professionals abroad. A very important role in this aspect plays the Dental Association of Republic of Kosovo with the supported of the Ministry of Health
•in the insurance system
Due to the post war situation and radical changes that happened in our country the public health insurance hasn’t started to be applied in practice, but the law of the health insurance is approved in parliament and soon is expected to be implemented in practice
In the private sector patients pay directly. By insurance can be covered only the patients who have their own private health insurance which is covered individually or by the company where they work, but only a very small proportion of the population is covered by private insurance companies.
III. Further information. (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
•Could you summarize the dental field developments have occurred in your country since the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Collaboration Platform meeting?
Our Dental school places a high priority on preclinical and clinical trainings. Currently, continuing dental education is available through a variety of venues involving licensing authorities, universities and private programmes. The concept of professional development is considered primarily in the context of promotion or achieving a higher professional title.
•In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
As well-known dental personnel are exposed to various occupational hazards like stress, radiation, musculoskeletal disorders, infectious diseases and legal hazard. Moreover, dental insurance as a type of health insurance designed to pay a portion of the costs associated with dental care is not available in our country. Only the individually private health insurance can cover the associated costs.
•In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
The development of the local economy, the beginning of the implementation of public health insurance, will significantly improve the dental system in Kosovo, enabling all patients to receive health care in both the private and public sectors
Country: TRNC -Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus
Association: Kıbrıs Türk Diş Tabipleri Odası (KTDTO)
I.Changes in the association and its organization.
Turkish Dental Association of Cyprus carries out its activities within the Turkish Medical Association of Cyprus with the change in the law in 2004. The organisation has three separate boards of directors, one disciplinary board and one honorary board. The boards meet once a month and discuss about the general topics. Decisions are also taken on the issues regarding society and the physicians in these council meetings. Dentists who want to carry out their professions in the TRNC should be the citizen of TRNC and are required to reside in TRNC at least three quarter of the year. The dentist must get a diploma from an institution training dentistry and s/he is unable to practice the profession unless s/he must register the chamber.
The duties and authorities of Turkish Dental Association of Cyprus are;
a. To meet the social, cultural, educational, and similar common requirements of the members of the dental profession who have the diploma of the profession and to facilitate and improve the professional activities.
b. To protect and promote the rights and interests of the members.
c. To coordinate and develop the social relations between members and professional practices.
d. To organise the relationships among the dentists and between the dentists and the patients and to maintain the professional ethics by the professional discipline.
e. To protect the honour and the dignity of the members.
f. To organise the professional meetings, seminars and conferences.
The term of office of the Board of the Association is two years. Turkish Medical Association of Cyprus organises the tariffs indicating the he minimum and maximum wage of treatments of the self-employed physicians in healthcare organisations and submit for the Cabinet’s approval thorough the Ministry of Health.
II. Trends and developments:
•in professional politics;
There are 126 dentists currently carrying out their profession. 23 of them work for the state.13 of them work in 4 public hospitals, and 10 of them work in village clinics. There is one oral surgeon, 1 prosthodontist, 1 endodontist and 1pedodontist among the ones working for the state. In the state hospitals, complete denture is performed only by a prosthodontist. Surgical and therapeutic procedures are performed by other dentists. There is not a private dental hospital in dentistry in the TRNC. Surgeries are the personal properties of the dentists. The social security contributions provide free treatments for workers only in the state hospitals. There is no insurance coverage for any private practice. That is why patients are required to pay all treatment costs from their own budgets. Because of the people whose economic situations are not suitable to benefit from the private practice, there backlogs in the state hospitals. Besides, people go to Turkey's southern provinces to get cheaper services. However, it is observed that big damages are given to the patients during this service procurement.
Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist:
Endodontics Specialist:
Oral Diagnosis Specialist:
Pedodontics Specialist:
Periodontology Specialist:
Prosthesis Specialist:
Number of Specialists:
Number of Dentists:
Total Active Members: |
157 |
Prosthetic dental technician laboratories:
The registries of the dental technicians, generally having the modern laboratories, are kept and their audits are made.by the Ministry of Health. Most of the dental technicians who grow in the master/apprentice system are required two years of education of a school equal to university after high school.
Dental Warehouses:
There is not a full-fledged dental warehouse in the country which markets the materials and equipment used by dentists. Because the country is not recognised obliges to buy tools and materials from Turkey. Because the country is a small one and the number of the dentists is low are the other factors. The prices are getting quite higher when the persons running a dental warehouse impose taxes and transportation fees for the tools and the materials they are selling.
•in health politics;
Health care Services in TRNC (Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus)
The primary health care services are provided by 15 health care centres, 1 public health dispensary, 1 dental clinic, 2 village clinics, the hospital outpatient clinics, and the private clinics all over the country. The secondary care services are provided by 4 general hospitals, 1 special branch hospital (neurological disorders) and private clinics. As transportation in the country is relatively comfortable, distribution is not a major problem.
Health Centers are the institutions that provide outpatient treatment. In health centres there is generally one doctor (general practitioner or specialist), and in some health centres there are one dentist and two or three nurses on duty. There some health care clinics in some villages working under the health centres whose number is over 70 and which is maintained by the village mukhtar under the Mınistry Interior and the Ministry of Village Affairs.
In the primary health care services, people mainly go to either to private clinics or directly to the hospital. Health care centres are not used much.
There 4 general beded hospital and 1 private branch hospital in TRNC. The total inpatient bedded availability is 913 and it is more than enough for the population. Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu Devlet Hastanesi is a secondary healthcare hospital and it is a teaching hospital which trains part-time assistants. Besides, there are also some private bedded-clinics available.
The delivery of the Public Health Service is under the monopoly of the Ministry of Health. Therefore the primary and the secondary health care services are provided by the hospitals and health care centres under the Ministry of Health and the needs of drugs and other medical supplies are provided by the General Directorate for Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy under the Ministry of Health.
In addition to the public sector in TRNC, there are also private clinics and private hospitals some of which are beded. There may be backlogs in the hospitals since there is not a referral system (propulsion system) in TRNC. That the physicians in charge work part-time in the hospitals cause backlogs in the emergency services.
There is not an enough record system and data gathering system in the hospitals. That issue is a shortcoming prevents to provide regular data about the use of health services, the cost of the case distribution, mobility and mortality reasons. The hospitals do not have their own budgets. And for all administrative and financial initiatives is the decision of Ministry of Health or The Ministry of Finance needed.
7% of Gross National Product (GNP), a large proportion of GNP has been spent for health in TRNC. And more than 40% of this proportion in itself is directly met by the citizens. On the other hand, that more than half of the physicians available in the country work in private sector and that almost all of the physicians working in the state hospitals also work in private sector makes the situation, in other words the health system of the country, be questioned.
In TRNC, as described above, there is a state-weighted mixed health policy.
•in educational politics;
In TRNC, there are more than 55 thousand students being trained in 9 universities. While 58% of these students come from secondary and third countries, 22% of the students are the third country students coming from more than 70 countries and 21% of the students consist of local students. Considering the fact that the island's population is 300 thousand, we can say one of every six people outside is a higher education student.
The Faculty of Dentistry:
The faculty of dentistry which went into action in 2007 within the context of Near East University of Cyprus founded in 1988 is the only and private faculty of TRNC training dentists. This year the faculty has produced its second graduates.
The faculty is equipped with modern tools and equipment; it has the pre-clinical training simulation laboratories; it has the first diagnostic centre in which the latest imaging techniques are used; it has computer-aided three-dimensional modelling laboratory; it has sedation units for the problematic patients and it has a structure that it serves for 5 departments. There are 5 Professors, 1 Associate Professor, 7 Assistant Professors, 2 Specialists and 19 Research associates in the faculty. As well as 2 Specialists and 19 Research associates provides undergraduate and post graduate education, there are also researches and clinical services carried out in the faculty.
•in the insurance system
TRNC Health Care Financing and Insurance System
Almost all of the people of 300 thousand population of TRNC have the health insurance. Namely, the public servants are covered by Retirement Fund; the employees working in accordance with labour act are covered by Social Security Administration and the ones who are economically and socially powerful are covered by Social Service Office. Among these institutions, only the ones covered by Social Security Administration get health service by paying premium. The other ones do not pay anything under the name of 'health premium'.
III.Further information . (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
•Could you summarize the dental field developments have occurred in your country since the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Collaboration Platform meeting?
The activities of our Association can be divided into two such as activities to increase the knowledge and skills of dentists and the activities in order to raise the awareness of oral and dental health of the people. Especially “22 November, Dentists Day” and the week of the Day are celebrated with various activities just like n Turkey. Both in dental week and all the year round, there were some conferences given for the dentists.
Some of the activities held in the week of Dentistry, November 22;
Together with the Ministry of Health, "Dental health" educational conferences were held in primary schools visually supported by the computers.
Educational posters were prepared to hang to the schools, post offices, hospitals and surgeries.
A poster contest was held to in order to increase the interest of secondary students for oral and dental health. In the poster contest of a great turnout the products were exhibited and albumised.
The awareness of the public in terms of oral and dental health was raised through the press and television.
•In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
The redundant number of the students of the private faculty of dentistry is the leading potential danger. Each year, around 80 to 100 students are registered for the faculty. Large proportion of these students is from Turkey. Since the population is small and the faculty gives the treatment with pay, the number of the patients is low. Therefore, that the students graduate without sufficient practical is considered as a shortcoming.
There has not been a realistic research made or statistics produced about the field of oral and dental health in the country by now. As an Association, we have made a survey in 2010.
As well as the electricity and dental instruments and supplies are expensive in the country, the labour is also expensive. Thus, the dental fees/dental wages are high. Consequently, the importance on oral and dental health is declining. Some of the patients prefer the southern provinces of Turkey as it is cheaper.
Dental services provided in the public sector have not been developed. The service area of the field of dentistry should be extended. The practices are not evaluated on computer network and statistical information is not evaluated.
Due to being a small country there is no adequate technical staff who is competent to repair dental devices.
•In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
The high rate of illiteracy in the country is the biggest potential opportunity. It is reached the masses easily both by the schools and by the media and the desired messages are given easily.
That there is a faculty of dentistry in the country is also a potential opportunity. Necessary researches will be able to be done through the faculty of dentistry and that will contribute to the postgraduate training of our dentists.
That Turkey generally supports TRNC and particularly Turkish Dental Association always supports us is another potential opportunity for us. Since we are not a recognised country, we have difficulty in participating in many organizations and events. We overcome the difficulties by the help of Turkish Dental Association.
Country: Egypt
Association: Egyptian Dental Association
Year: 2013
Our National Report in health politics.
III. Further information. (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
• Could you summarize the dental field developments have occurred in your country?
Different educational and professional developments within the dental field regarding dental diseases and their appropriate treatment have been occurred. Our Dental schools place a high priority on preclinical and clinical training in the curriculum in order to expose students to patient oral health needs and systemic dental problems much earlier. Currently, continuing dental education is available through a variety of venues involving licensing authorities, universities and private programmes. The concept of professional development is considered primarily in the context of promotion or achieving a higher professional title.
• In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
As well-known dental personnel are exposed to various occupational hazards like stress, allergic reactions, radiation, musculoskeletal disorders, infectious diseases and legal hazard. Moreover, dental insurance as a type of health insurance designed to pay a portion of the costs associated with dental care is not available in Egypt. The limited resources of dental syndicate in our country do not allow the development of dental personnel.
• In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related to the future of dental field in your country?
Due to plentiful opportunities after graduation, a dental school education can lead to many different paths. Some graduates may choose to enter private practice directly by either working as an associate under a more experienced dentist or by opening their dental office in a partnership or as a sole proprietor. Some students may decide to complete a one-year residency program in General Practice Residency and work as a general dentist. Other graduates may decide to pursue other specialties in dentistry, which take an average of 3-6 years to complete.
Country: Tunisia
Association: STMDLP
Year: :1990
I.Changes in the association and its organization.
Creation of five new regional section
II.Trends and developments:
Reduce the illegal practice
Control the professional demographics
Support regional sections of the syndicate
Promote dental health care among the population
Priority to preventive care : development of a motivational CDs about dental oral hygiene to distribute to all school children 8 to 10 years old.
Upgrade training at the dental faculty
Control foreign diploma
Support postgraduate training
Upgrading the agreement of insurance system
Broaden the coverage of the nomenclature by the insurance fund
Temporary government
Difficult to find funding for our association activities
III.Further information . (Status of Dental Profession in Neighbouring Countries)
•Could you summarize the dental field developments have occured in your country since the 2nd Neighbouring Countries Collaboration Platfom meeting?
International annual dental congress.
preparation of project related to continuing training after graduation
•In your opinion, what are the potential dangers related the future of dental field in your country?
The main danger is the increasing number of dentists every year.
İllegal practice of ambulatory foreign practitioner.
Bar smile for bleaching.
•In your opinion, what are the potential opportunities related the future of dental field in your country?
Dental Clinics for group practice of different specialities
Country: Yemen
Association: Yemen Dental Association
Year: 2013
I.Changes in the association and its organization.
Yemen Dental Association is a national professional organization representing all independent Yemeni dentists, enjoying legal personality and financial and administrative independence, founded in 2001 and its organizational structure consists of :
The General Conference
Central Council
The Executive Office and the head of the office is president of Yemen Dental Association
And the headquarters of the Executive Office of the association in the capital Sana'a and several branches in the governorates of the Republic of Yemen, is the association elections every four years, the association has worked since its inception to:
1-raise the level of health of the Yemeni people through active participation in the discussion and preparation of plans and health programs, evaluation and development of laws and regulations of medical and health with the relevant authorities, and organizing efforts of its members for the implementation and development of these plans and programs, laws and regulations to meet the requirements of the development plans of health.
2-Take care of the interests of members and defend their rights, academic and professional work to improve their working and living conditions, and the provision of health and social safeguards for members in the event of illness, disability and death and assist in humanitarian situations.
3-Organization and the issuance of permits to practice the profession and actively participate in the issuance of licenses to operate private medical facilities.
4-Protection of the profession intruders and, to the strict application of etiquette and traditions of the profession and other relevant laws.
5-To prevent the violations and legal violations related to the dental profession and the laws governing them and work to protect the doctor and the patient and the community.
6-Coordination and contribute with the Ministry of Public Health and Population and medical institutions, and government health and mixed private and with regard to recruitment of medical staff is Yemeni rare competence and subjecting it to the actual needs thoughtful of the Republic and to contribute in the examination of their qualifications and give them licenses to practice the profession in the light of their testimony academic and after passing the association's exam.
7-Raising the scientific level of the members through the establishment of events scientific, including seminars, lectures and completing medical research and issuing scientific journals and conducting training and continuing medical education through events and activities of scientific societies specialized medical and participate in the activities of local, regional and international.
8-Establish trust and strengthen the bonds of fellowship and establish the traditions of the profession among its members and creating opportunities dating to strengthen the spirit of friendship and cooperation and solidarity among themselves, and work to solve problems or obstacles that may arise between members or between them and others because of the practice of the profession.
9-Stimulate and support the Arabic translation in the field of dentistry.
10-To contribute to the continuous development of the academic level in the faculties of dentistry.
11-Represent Yemeni dentists in the Republic and abroad organizations.
12-Coordinate the development and strengthening of relations between the association and the rest of the medical associations and other health associations in the Republic, in order to achieve common professional goals and improve medical and dental health services.
13-to strengthen relations and cooperation with professional associations and unions, medical associations similar Arab and international, and to work together in order to exchange experiences and championing the causes of freedom, justice, peace and development
Now Yemen dental association is president of Arab dental federation .and seeking membership of FDI.
Country : Turkey
Association: Turkish Dental Association
Year : 2013
I.Changes in the association and its organization.
Board of Turkish Dental Association
In TDA Board of Directors which was formed by the election on November 9-11th, 2012 during the 14th Annual General Assembly in Ankara has the following changes.
14th Term Board of Directors of Turkish Dental Association
Prof. Dr. Taner YÜCEL
Dr. Serdar SÜTCÜ
Ahmet Tarık İŞMEN
Dr. Serdar AK
Mustafa ORAL
Dr. Faik Serhat ÖZSOY
Tuncay SEVEN
Vice President
Secretary General
General Accountant
Member |
II.Trends and developments
-In professional politics
Employment of dentists in public
Personnel rights of dentists and public’s receiving services from clinics
The unrealistic policy that public will receive the oral care services of the population of 73 million from Oral and Dental Care Centers of Ministry of Health whose number is 123 is still in use. As the patients cannot reach to the dentists, the demand of Turkish Dental Association for getting services from the private dental clinics which are in almost every neighbourhood has been tried to be transmitted to the government also in 2012.
Ministry of Health, also in 2012, tried to continue to increase the employment of dentists in public sector. The Minister of Health has been trying to equalize the numbers of the self-employed dentists and dentists working in public sector.
Ministry of Health employs our colleagues with an annual contract based employment without a job security. In addition, not the qualified treatment but the care for more patients in number is encouraged by the practice based on performance. Although the skewness in the system has been put into words, the legal struggle has also been continuing.
Preventive Practices for Public Oral Health Care
Oral and Dental Health Action planning works 2013-2018 of Ministry of Health which will begin in 2013 and is aimed to reach all school children have been started in cooperation with our Association.
This Action Plan will be a an important and comprehensive application for the public finance by providing savings in terms of prioritizing the protective applications in oral health as well as having a dental problem-free generation by tracking the oral and dental health problems in children for a long time. That the dentists working in Ministry and the self-employed dentists registered in our Association will take part in this project will ensure that the project will achieve the desired goals in a reasonable time.
-In educational politics
Continuing Dental Education
A total of 168 scientific activities were submitted to the Higher Commission of Turkish Dental Association on Continuing Dental Education in the year of 2012. 156 of these scientific activities were credited. 127 of these activities were organized by Local Dental Chambers, 14 by the Dental Faculties, 6 by Scientific Societies, 3 by the Oral and Dental Health Center and 5 were held by Turkish Dental Association. In our country to get a Continuing Education Certificate, a dentist must complete 160 credit points in 4 year time.
TDA Competency Project
The rapid development of dental profession in our country and around the world, the changing needs of society about the oral and dental health care and the need for professional continuing education have showed up more crucially than in the past ten years.
Need for qualified human resources, reflections of fast-growing technology in dentistry, strengthening the service-quality oriented approaches and the demanding form quite a large market for professional training
There are many training activities organized in the field of dentistry. Contribution of each training activities to profession and colleague is not the same. The main principles of professional continuing education, application methods, and success criteria have been an important issue for many years studied by many professional institutions and universities around the world; they are generally accepted and their success has been determined.
The first information that is required to evaluate the success of any training given in any area is the educational gains that have been identified in various sizes. When it comes to professional continuing education, educational achievements have been revealed as the capabilities that a dentist should have after the bachelor's degree.
For that purpose; in order to form a basis for the evaluation of continuing professional education programs by our Association, the structuring of the organization which includes the procedures for determination of Professional Qualifications and Standards is on-going.
It has been requested contribution and co-operation from Ministry of Health for the implementation of the organization.
Dental Faculties
In Turkey, by the year 2012, there are 46 Dental Faculties. Currently, there is education in 33 of these faculties.
In the last 5 years, while the population of our country increased 6, 87 %, the number of dental students increased 95%.
Due to the continuation of the opening of the new Dental Faculties without proper workforce planning, lack of the geographical distribution of the workforce and poor dental visits, our colleagues face a serious unemployment problem.
Some Other Information
Solidarity Fund
In 2011, we have helped to our 13 dentists and their families from the Fund of Solidarity which aims to assist the dentists and their families who have great difficulty to practice their professions by reason of natural disasters or serious illnesses.
Besides, owing to the heart-breaking earthquakes occurred in our country in 19.05.2011 and 23.10.2011, we aided financially to our 48 colleagues.
The income of the Fund is composed of the fee that our members pay to their Chambers.
Incapacity Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance
It is arranged by Turkish Dental Association the Incapacity Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance for the members whose names are notified by Chambers of TDA. Due to the Insurance, it is decided to pay approximately 10.000 USD for once only to the relatives of the dentists who has died or has been injured in an accident and unable to practice their profession. Also for the colleagues who has unable to practice their profession temporarily, Turkish Lira equivalent to 50 Euro is paid for a period not to exceed 200 days in a year.
Medical Fee in Dentistry
Minimum Examination and Treatment Fee Scale determined by Turkish Dental Association through the right of legislation according to the cost analysis based on scientific
data and seen as the quality guarantee of the services in liberal dentistry, used to became valid once they were approved by the Ministry of Health and published in the Official-
Journal and while collecting fee under the Scale was permitted, there used to be several penalties to those who did.
Ministry of Health canceled the obligation of obeying the Scale in 02.11.2011. The Scale has been turned into a “Guide”.
Changes in Fees
Fees of the Dental Health Care Services
Minimum Examination and Treatment Wage Tariff which was considered as a guarantee of the quality of dental care in private practice was determined with the authorization given by the Turkish Dental Association Law and by the cost analysis based on scientific data. And it used to become effective after the approval of the Ministry of Health and after published in Official Gazette and taking less charge than the given in the wage tariff was prohibited and to the ones who fail to comply were imposed various sanction.
Ministry of Health, with the law entered into force on 02.11.201, has removed the requirement to comply with the tariff. Tariff serves as a “Guide” and has been implemented in 2012.
III.Further new information
FDI 101st Annual World Dental Congress
As a result of the regular activities carried out by the Turkish Dental Association, FDI 101st Annual World Dental Congress was held in İstanbul between the dates of August 28th and 31th, 2013.
International Congresses of the Turkish Dental Association
The 19th International Congress of Turkish Dental Association was held between May 28th and 02nd June, 2012 in Ankara, Turkey with the participation of 1647 dentists. 102 companies have participated to the Expo-Dental 2012 which took place over an area of 4000m2 within the context of the Congress.
Decree law about the organizations and the functions of Ministry of Health and subsidiaries
Health professional associations objected to the political power who has made fundamental changes in the health care system with the “Decree law about the organizations and the functions of Ministry of Health and subsidiaries” which has become a law impoliticly to the provisions of the current legislation in Turkey and made an appeal to the Constitutional Court via the main opposition party.