4th Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform meeting was realized on May 29, 2013, Ephesus Congres Center, Kuşadası, Aydın within the context of TDA 20th International Dental Congress held between the dates of 29-31 May 2014.
Fifteen countries attended to the Platform meeting consisting of Dr. Dorjan Hysi, President of Albanian Dental Association; Prof. Dr. Maida GANIBEGOVIC, President of Dental Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof. Dr. Vladimer MARGVELASHVILI, Secretary General of Georgian Dental Association; Dr. Ibrahim Ghannam, President of the Palestinian Dental Association ( PDA ); Dr. Gholamreza Ghaznavi, President of the Dental Association of Iran; Hüseyin BIÇAK, President of the Turkish Dental Association of Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus (TRNC); Prof. Dr. Ilshat YULDASHEV, Vice-President of the Stomatological Association of the Kyrgyz Republic; Dr. Khaled TANAZEFTI, President of Tunisian Dentists’ Union; Dr. Mohammed Salem BINHAFID, President of the Yemen Dental Association; Prof. Dr. Rana ALIYEVA, President of Azerbaijan Stomatological Association; Dr. Rafea Mohammed Abbas ALGBURU, President of Iraqi Dental Association; Dr. Elmira ISSENTEYEVA, President of Kazakhstan Stomatological Association, Dr Sabetim CERKEZI, Vice-President of Macedonia Dental Association and Prof. Dr. Tarek ABBAS, Board Member of Egyptian Dental Association as well as President of Turkish Dental Businessman Association Namık Kemal SÖNMEZ and Secretary General Yusuf Hikmet ARPACIOĞLU; the President of Turkish Dental Association Prof. Dr.Taner YÜCEL, Secretary General of Turkish Dental Association A. Tarık İŞMEN and TDA External Relations Commission members, Dr. Duygu İLHAN and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hande SAR SANCAKLI also participated in the platform meeting
In the meeting the problems and the solutions of the neighbouring countries in dental fields were discussed and Prof. Margvelasvili and Dr. Hysi read the national reports of the member countries. President of Turkish Dental Businessman Association Namık Kemal SÖNMEZ made an overview of dental sector in Turkey. Afterwards, Dr. Duygu ILHAN made a presentation and evaluated the Forum on "Preventive Dentistry" held within the context of FDI 2013 Istanbul 101st Annual World Dental Congress.
Platform will continue to merge together and work to revive and solve the Neighbouring Countries problems in the home ownership of Turkish Dental Association next year and the following years.
Please kindly read the national reports of the member countries via the links below:
1. Albania
2. Azerbaijan
3. Bosna&Hersegovina
4. Egypt
5. Georgia
6. Iran
7. Iraq
8. Jordan
9. Kazakhstan
10. Kirkuk
11. Kyrgyzstan
12. Macedonia
13. Palestine
14. Tunis
15. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
16. Uzbekistan
17. Yemen
18. Turkey