5th Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform meeting was realized on May 29, 2015, Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), İstanbul within the context of TDA 21st International Dental Congress held between the dates of 28-30 May 2015.
Nineteen countries attended to the Platform meeting consisting of Assoc Prof Dr Dorjan Hysi, President of Albanian Dental Association; Prof Dr Rena ALIYEVA, President of Azerbaijan Stomatological Association; Prof Dr Maida GANIBEGOVIC-SELIMOVIC, President of Dental Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof Dr Kujtim SHALA, President of Kosovo Dental Chamber ; Prof Dr Tarek ABBAS, President of Egyptian Dental Association; Prof Dr Vladimer MARGVELASHVILI, Secretary general of Georgian Stomatological Association; Dr Chasapis EFSTRATIOS, Secretary General of Hellenic Dental Association; Dr Gholamreza GHAZNAVI, President of Iranian Dental Association; Dr Rafea Mohammed Abbas AL-GBURI, President of Iraqi Dental Association; Dr Elmira ISSENTAYEVA, President of Kazakhstan Stomatological Association; Dr Abdul Kader Nazih BSAT, Board Member of Lebanese Dental Association; Dr Ra'ed Fahmi Abed Alhameed JO'BEH, President of Palestinian Dental Association; Dr Khaled TANAZEFTI, President of Tunisian Dentists' Union; Dr Abibilla KALBAEV, President of Stomatological (Dental) Association of the Kyrgyz Republic; Hüseyin Bıçak, President of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Dental Association; Prof Dr Rakhmatulla NIGMATOV, President of Uzbekistan Dental Association and Dr Mohammed Salem BINHAFID, President of Yemeni Dental Association as well as the President of Turkish Dental Association Prof Dr Taner YÜCEL, Former President of Turkish Dental Association Prof Dr Murat AKKAYA, TDA Board Members Mehmet AĞAOĞLU and Gökmen Kenan ÖZDAL and TDA External Relations Commission members, Dr Duygu ILHAN and Assoc Prof Dr Hande SAR SANCAKLI also participated in the platform meeting.
To strengthen the cooperation between the Platform member associations, a Protocol consisting of goals and rules of procedures of Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform was submitted for the members’ approvals. The approved Protocol was accepted and signed by 21 countries.
Please click here to read the whole Protocol.