6th Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform meeting was held on 19 May 2016 in Fuarİzmir, within the context of TDA 22nd International Dental Congress held between the dates of 19-21 May 2016.
Fourteen countries attended to the Platform meeting whose President was Prof. Dr. Tarek ABBAS, also President of Egyptian Dental Association. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dorjan HYSI, President of Albanian Dental Association; Cristian CURA, Head of Albanian Dental Students Association; Prof. Dr. Rena ALIYEVA, President of Azerbaijan Stomatological Association; Prof. Dr. Maida GANIBEGOVIC-SELIMOVIC, President of Dental Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Prof Dr Kujtim SHALA, President of Kosovo Dental Chamber; Prof. Dr. Vladimer MARGVELASHVILI, Secretary General of Georgian Stomatological Association; Dr. Azamat BAIGULAKOV, President of Kazakhstan Stomatological Association; Aigul ZHAUBASSOVA, Board Member of Kazakhstan Stomatological Association; Prof. Dr. Carlos KHAIRALLAH, President of Lebanese Dental Association; Prof. Dr. Abibilla KALBAEV, President of Stomatological (Dental) Association of the Kyrgyz Republic; Dr. Kanat DEHENBAEV, Board Member of Stomatological (Dental) Association of the Kyrgyz Republic; Dr. Hüseyin BIÇAK, President of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Dental Association; Dr. Khaled TANAZEFTI, President of Tunisian Dentists’ Union; Prof. Dr. Vladimir POPOVSKI, President of Macedonian Dental Association; Dr. Jamil LAZRAQ, Secretary General of Association Marocaine de Prévention Bucco-Dentaire; Prof. Dr. Arshad HASAN, Treasurer of Pakistan Dental Association and Dr. Mohammed Salem BINHAFID, President of Yemeni Dental Association; Dr. Ranya ALGUNAID, Board Member of Yemeni Dental Association as well as the President of Turkish Dental Association Prof. Dr. Taner YÜCEL, TDA Members of Foreign Affairs Commission, Prof. Dr. Nermin YAMALIK, Dr. Duygu İLHAN, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hande ŞAR SANCAKLI and Dr. Uğur ERGİN also participated in the 6th Neighbouring Countries Dental Associations' Collaboration Platform meeting.
Please kindly read the national reports of the member countries via the links below:
1. Albania
2. Azerbaijan
3. Bosna&Hersegovina
4. Egypt
5. Georgia
6. Kazakhstan
7. Kosova
8. Kyrgyzstan
9. Lebanon
10. Macedonia
11. Morocco
12. Pakistan
13. Tunisia
14. Turkey
15. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
16. Yemen